Friday, October 8, 2010


Hey, folks! Add a comment under a post once in awhile or drop me an email! I'm starting to feel as though I'm talking to myself (and I have a husband and son for that!). And that gets me wondering whether writing when nobody's reading is on a psychiatric par with hearing voices when nobody's talking (hint: Not Good. I refer you to the DSM IV-whatever-revision-we're-on-these-days).

If a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound?


  1. 'Hoi Debbie,

    All new for me. But: I hear you girl!! Don't feel : "helemaal alleen op deze wereld en dan ook nog in de lage Landen!"
    groetjes BP

  2. Hoi, yourself! Nice to know there's someone here on Planet Blog after all!
